This is one of the easiest and fastest wealth buildingautomated systems ever created….
With just a measly deposit of $3,780 (it can trade with a lot less too!) and 3 short months of “relaxing” this one account was atomically rocketed on auto-pilot to $239,485.50 that is a generous 6,235.59% gain…
And YES, this is a real account. Every single dollar in this account is real.
In a few minutes you will have access to this account and a few others so you can see with your own eyes that this system works.
And then I will show you exactly how you can download the same software and start it up on your own trading account!
Hi my name is Mark Reid…

What I just showed you may seem crazy, farfetched, out of this world, or even too good to be true. But the truth is. It’s 100% real. And this system works.
You are most likely skeptical. I don’t blame you. My father growing up use to tell me, “what is too good to be true, must not be true.”
If you knew that you were minutes away from unlocking financial freedom, then would a few minutes of your time be worth it?
I ask you please just to give me a few minutes of your time and I promise you, you won’t regret it.
Still with me? Great.

Have you ever heard of arbitrage trading? If not, it is a trading strategy where a currency (or investment) is bought or soldbased on two different broker price feeds. It exploits differences in theprice from each feedand profits from those discrepancies.
My system is an arbitrage trader.
But here’s the thing. My system is not like other arbitrage traders. Most of them tend to fail and fail miserably.
Most arbitrage systems work perfect on demo accounts, but when you switch them to live, it’s an absolute failure.

My passion for trading Forex started years ago, around roughly 2008. It started as a fun hobby and turned into a full time income, so naturally I quit my job.
I was getting tired of teaching high school students simple math so it was the right choice.
Like any diligent trader, I like to always research different strategies and learn as much as I can to perfect my craft.
The one elusive strategy I have been trying to perfect for years as you probably can guess is - arbitrage trading.

From my years of working to find that one system that can arbitrage Forex like a knife seamlessly slicing butter, I finally have literally cracked the code.
Let me introduce you to Broker Arbitrage.
I invested years of my time trying to create an arbitrage robot that not only works with real money accounts, but exceeds all other systems and investments in performance.
Today I’m giving you the opportunity to access the Broker Arbitrage system. I’m going to give you the keys to the kingdom.
In a few minutes, you will be able to download the exact full version I use to successfully arbitrage Forex and make huge profit gains like I am about to show you.
The truth is most arbitrage systems fail. I spent a lot of time researching and working on Broker Arbitrage to try to perfect and address those failures – and prevent them.

With arbitrage trading the systems often just fail, they work on demo accounts, but never on live accounts. In my system I have resolved and excelled past the issues that cause this.
Let’s talk about them for a moment.

Most arbitrage trading systems are thoroughly tested on demo accounts, but not live accounts. Basically they don’t work with real money.
The vendor is trying to trick unsuspecting buyers into a system that doesn’t work.
Here’s where the Broker Arbitrage system is different. I personally tested and successfully make money with my system with real accounts.
In fact, you will see the withdrawals on the accounts, where I take my profit.

Here are 3 accounts. All live with real money. And I’m showing you 3 forms of proof for your convenience.
Myfxbook: This is a 3rd party service that verifies the account is real and provides you with statistical analysis and history of the account.
MT4i: This service is similar to Myfxbook. It is another form of verification for your convenience.
Account Statement:The statement extracted directly from the broker.
Account 1:
Account 2:
Account 3:

When trading an arbitrage system it’s always important to monitor the broker and adapt. Here’s what I mean.
Not all brokers are bad or out to get you. But things can change and sometimes do. With an arbitrage system you have a few options to come out on top and always win.
Personally, when I find that either a) a few months have elapsed or b) I’ve had a few days of bad trades, then I take a few steps to set Broker Arbitrage in the right direction.
I will create another broker account on the same broker or sometimes use another broker. Don’t worry, while running my system I provide the guidance you need to keep it performing at its best!

When you watch Broker Arbitrage trade you can’t help but get really excited. It’s amazing, entertaining, and exhilarating all at the same time.
My computer has 3 monitors. So I can do a lot at once. On one screen I’m writing, another I’m watching a movie, and another I’m watching my account grow.
Yesterday, I opened an account just to show you fresh live action.
Today, I spotted Broker Arbitrage opening up trades on that accountand quickly turned on my screen recorder so you can see exactly what this “excitement” is I’m talking about.
Seriously, it’s amazing. Just watch the video below, and see how quickly Broker Arbitrage builds up an account.
This happened in a span of about 10 to 15 minutes or so. Trades opened and the system automatically locked in profits one by one.
At the end of the video you can see I show you the Account History and look at all those great trades that closed in profit.

Broker Arbitrage detects perfect points of trade opportunity. It then opens up trades on a variety of currency pairs.
Trades are opened up fast, but they are not done so rapidly that it causes broker failures that you might experience with high frequency scalpers.
Trades are executed with purpose and closed out exactly at the right moment as you saw in the video.
Some people might mistake this for grid trading, but it’s far from it.
The flaw with grid trading is: there is virtually no stop loss, and trades can keep going with more trades opening. That’s just unsafe.
The beauty with Broker Arbitrage is that the stop loss and take profit are not so low that you see issues with brokers not closing the trade properly or trades failing to profit as intended.
It also maximizes and locks in profits with a special trailing stop technology.

In the video I just showed you, the trades opened in negative. This is because of the spread. It is normal and usual for any broker to do this; this is how they make their money.
Keep in mind, in the video, I was running Broker Arbitrage on a $50,000 account. So the negative trades you saw hovering around a total of -$2,000 was for a very short time and was based on the money management risk.
That’s about a 4% to 5% risk.
Risk in essence is less than that. Because the risk is distributed amongst multiple pairs, the chance of losing on all of the trades israre, if not impossible.
If you use a smaller account, the hovering negative would be significantly less, so don’t let that concern you.

Trade too fast, and risk slippage, price feed issues, broker errors, and lost money. Or trade too slowly and risk being left behind in the dust with a bad trade.
This is a common issue. I love scalpers, who doesn’t? The truth though, most fail to work, and this is a pity, because the concept of scalping is so powerful and profitable.
For Broker Arbitrage, I have designed it so it doesn’t stay in trades for very long. But it stays long enough where it isn’t a fast scalp that causes you to incur losses from broker issues.

If you happen to be new to Forex, new to trading, or new to trading technology, then please don’t let all this talk scare you away. It’s much easier than it sounds, especially because it’s fully automated.
I’ve streamlined the whole installation and setup process for you that even a child, who has little to no computer experience, can get Broker Arbitrage up and running.
Included with my software, you simply click the installer and it will place the files for you where they need to go.
On top of that you only need to click a few more buttons, but again it’s all straight forward and easy.
Here’s how I make it even easier for you.

There is no guessing or figuring out details of how Broker Arbitrage works to achieve the results I have shown you above.

Everything is preset for you and ready to go.
If my team and I find ways to improve the system or I think you should know something to help you, then I will reach out to you with free updates.

A few years ago, I was moving from one house to another. I called a few movers and asked them for quotes. I ended up going with the cheapest one that promised me everything.
That was a BIG MISTAKE.
They ended up bringing a smaller truck, and guess what happened next? I was stuck with a full truck with still things that needed to be moved.
It ended up costing me more time and money, than if I had paid a little more for the other moving company.
Have you ever heard the saying, “you get what you pay for?” Well that’s exactly what happened to me. And that same thing applies to trading systems for Forex and other investment products.
If you are looking to get ripped off and purchase a cheap $47 system that won’t work, but inevitably fail you and drain your account, then its best you leave this page right now.
Broker Arbitrage isn’t free. In fact, you might find it a little pricey, but well worth every cent. And I felt it’s important you understand why.
What I am offering here is beyond a premium system with premium service and premium double guarantee (I’ll explain the guarantee shortly, you’ll love it).
My team and I have put thousands of hours into developing and improving this system. We also respect the needs you will have while running it.
Instead of providing you a piece of software, taking your money, and walking away, this is about a long term relationship with you.
I am devoting all my time and resources to help you succeed with my software, it works, and works really well, and that’s why it’s expensive.

You are putting your trust in me and I respect that. Because of that I truly believe you deserve the best.
You are using my system and investing your hard earned money into it. There’s no option but for it to work and for you to get full service when you need it.
When you purchase Broker Arbitrage you are joining a group. You are joining a small select group of traders who have decided they are ready for change and ready to achieve huge success in Forex.
With that you get complete access to me and my resources…

I must limit access to Broker Arbitrage to 500 copies. This isn’t a trick or a gimmick to get you to rush to buy.
There are a few very good reasons why I’m doing this and I think you will agree.

I genuinely want you to succeed with Broker Arbitrage and I want your feedback and also testimonial. In order to do this I must set aside enough time to help you and focus on you.
With me being available to you on Skype, E-mail, and Facebook, I will only be able to help so many people.

If I gave 10,000 people access to my software, all trading on live accounts, all making crazy profits, what do you think would happen?
Chances are good that brokers will notice.
People will invest more money, causing liquidity issues, and as a result brokers will end up making adjustments to their systems to prevent Broker Arbitrage from working.
We do NOT want this to happen, right? So I must limit availability of my software.

Like I said earlier you are going to love my guarantee. I’m literally taking out all your risk. This is a DOUBLE Point Guarantee.
You are investing your hard earned money into my system. The least I can do is show you how confident I am that you will succeed with Broker Arbitrage.
I call this the DOUBLE Point Guarantee.
Point #1
Try out Broker Arbitrage for 60 days, that’s a full 2 months. Test it on DEMO, test it on LIVE, or both.
If for any reason during that period you are unsatisfied or feel that Broker Arbitrage isn’t for you, then e-mail me at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and I will refund every single penny of your payment.
My refund guarantee entitles you to a hassle free refund if requested. That means no questions asked, and no delays.
Point #2
As the saying goes, I’m going to put my money where my mouth is.This is my extended 365 day guarantee, that’s 1 full year.
From the day you purchase until 1 year later, if you do not profit using my system after following all the guidelines, I will refund your payment.
You can then keep my system free of charge. And for the trouble I will give you $100 on top of it.

That’s the boldest guarantee I have ever made. And I’m sure one of the best guarantees you have ever seen.

Ready? Great I’m happy to hear that. Okay, we need to take a minute to discuss how much Broker Arbitrage is going to cost you.
I had a chat with my team about the best price for Broker Arbitrage. And we concluded that even at $2,997 it would be a bargain.
But with the way the economy is, that might just be more than you are able to invest in such an amazing system like mine.
More importantly, I want you to have more money to invest in your broker account. So I’m instantly discounting $2,000 off the top. That’s $997.
Wait. I’m going to spice this up for you. I only have 500 spots available as you know. And while you’re reading this, it’s probably a lot less and decreasing quickly.
For the first 75 copies, as an early action bonus, I’m going to take another instant $500 off. That means you pay only $497!
But please act quick, this discount is available right now, but it won’t last long, and once it’s gone, this message will change and the price will be higher.
You pay one time, that’s it and you are done. And own Broker Arbitrage for life. That means no monthly fees, no upsells, and no upgrades to purchase.
Simply click the Buy Now button below and let’s get started!

When you sign up today there are no extra fees, no hidden costs, and no upgrades, you get a lifetime membership.

I’ve made this offer as risk free as possible to show you how confident I am that you will succeed with Broker Arbitrage.
There is no doubt in my mind that this tool is going to change your life. You just need to take the first step. Download it, install it, and you will see with your own eyes what I have you showed you today is possible. It’s exciting stuff!

Can a beginner use Broker Arbitrage?
Yes! It’s completely automated and easy to install and setup. But I am available to help you if you need anything.
Why are you selling your system?
I love business. I love to make money. And I love to help people. I’m protecting my system by limiting availability, but also selling it for a price, because I value my time and creation.
Do I need to use a specific broker?
No, you don’t need to use any specific broker. I do have a few recommendations for you that work great with Broker Arbitrage, but they are not required.
Can this work for U.S. based traders?
Yes, Broker Arbitrage will work for U.S. traders.
Are updates included?
All updates are included free of charge for life.
What is the difference between Binary Options and Forex?
Binary options is not trading Forex, but betting on currencies, commodities, stocks, etc. on whether they will go up or down against a broker. They are time based and risky.
Do I need special servers or computers to run Broker Arbitrage?
You don’t need any high tech computer hardware to run Broker Arbitrage. You can use your own computer or a Virtual Private Server.
What is the minimum recommended deposit amount for Broker Arbitrage?
You can start with as little as $100. I recommend trading with $500 to $1,000 to start though.
How often does Broker Arbitrage Trade?
Broker Arbitrage trades almost every day. It is possible to have a few days here and there with no trades.
Can I try Broker Arbitrage on a Demo account first?
Yes you can trade on a DEMO account first, and switch to LIVE when you are ready.
What if I don’t have a credit card or want to use another form of payment?
What if I’m not happy with Broker Arbitrage, can I return it?
Yes! I don’t want you to have to worry. If you find that Broker Arbitrage isn’t for you, let me know, I’ll refund you every penny. With your purchase you get my no hassle 60 day money back guarantee. Plus my 365 day profit guarantee, which includes $100, a refund, and you get to keep the software, if you don’t profit at the end of 1 year.
